II-Year Pre-University or XII Std. or equivalent exams with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the following subjects: Chemistry, Bio-Technology, Computer Science, Biology, Electronics. Not less than 45% of the aggregate marks in optional subjects with English as one of the languages.
Admission Guidelines
Generally, admission is done on the basis of performance in the Entrance Exam (CET/COMED-K) for all the B.E./B.Arch. courses.
Course Details
SIT offers BE/B Tech in Mechanical Engineering with 60 intake students. This course was started in 2011. Presently, this department has 10 members of teaching staff and 12 laboratories as per the norms of VTU. Labs to include: Workshop View, Foundry and Forging View, Metallography and Material Testing View, Computer-Aided Machine Drawing View, Machine Shop View, Metrology Measurements View, Fluid Machinery View, Fluid Machinery View, Energy Engineering View, Heat Mass Transfer View, Finite Element Method View, and Design View. SIT's Mechanical Engineering Department is a well-equipped and state-of-the-art laboratory. All the students and teaching faculty are encouraged to participate in different national and international conferences, seminars and training programmes.